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Heart Headed by Hope Donovan, acrylic on canvas

“short talk on the milky way”

Blair Law


the milky way expands forever. but some people know how big it is.

they hold the secret in their pockets and the milky way in their hands.

vastness drips down their fingers as stars swirl around in the black.

they see the way that galaxies are formed,

they see the way that comets cross through space,

and they see every black hole ever born.

they’ll know these things forever.

dark skies stain their hands and stars stick to their eyes.

it’s everything they will ever think about.

their minds don’t have room for anything else.

it was always meant to be a blessing,

to see those wonders,

to understand past the mind.

but now they know how small they are

by Lia Appelman

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